Fuck the dumb shit, KING YOSEF is all that and way fucking more! His music is extremely caustic extremely thrilling and extremely sick AF! I can’t front, as I blast his music I find myself feeling like my whole being is being trapped inside of an off-kilter serial killer cyborg! His song “Cut The Cord” kicks you in the chest like hearing the gnarliest Hardcore song and gets all deep into your reality. Next up is the song “Shame’s Mirror” that makes me feel like I’m walking the streets of Manchester on a rainy day looking at all of the deserted factories. KING YOSEF can create music that is as intense as hell while still being full of emotions. I fucking love want he is doing with Sound Space and Machines! His record from last year, An Underlying Hum, is golden as well. I could tell y’all his influences from the past, but why do that when KING YOSEF is pointing all of us to the future? I have become a HUGE fan of this artist and look forward to seeing him do his thing with HEALTH in March!