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Pushing the Limit of Dance Music Soundscapes: Experience ALOVESOPURE’s ‘You’ll Be A Memory’

I write from a place of BIG LOVE for the new album by alovesopure entitled
You’ll Be A Memory is out now via Sunday Drive Records. This human has taken me back to 1995 while pushing my love for Jungle into the future. I have been a fan of this genre since day one. I remember when I heard the first big tunes coming out of the UK during the 90s. My homies in Oakland or Flatbush did not understand my love for this new art form, they were fine with just listening to regular dancehall. I’m beyond happy that a new generation is tapping into their rich history when it comes to dance music. From the moment I heard alovesopure, I was a fan instantly! All you have to do is blast the song “Diary” one time and you will be hooked as well. This sonic creator knows how to inject Jungle with cosmic waves of melody that will have you transfixed. I want to thank alovesopure for creating the magical song “vanguard award (feat. Shy + Summer).” Everything about composition has the power of 1000 majestic dreams. Every time I bump “You’ll Be A Memory,” this sense of liberation comes over me, and I realize as Black people, the world is ours! This song transcends just one genre, and is a sonic statement that should be heard by all! If the alovesopure reads this, I want them to know that they are pushing our culture forward and I truly appreciate that!

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