Byyrth is an unknown entity comprised of black metal/post-punk psychosavants that only want to bring about the demise of mainstream music and all its absurdity. Byyrth ring notes out in classic icy, black metal tribute and send the rhythm guitar scurrying through breakneck three-chord punk progressions that move the moshpit. Their demo through Grey Matter Productions is eerily authentic and unmistakable for its musical influences. Raw and razor-sharp, the riffs sound like a garrote grinding against someone’s neck bones on the faster tempos.
Not merely that, Byyrth tremolo riff to armageddon and back again. In three tracks, Byyrth send toilet earth a gift note saying, “Fuck all mainstream music!” Byyrth are fun to blast at full volume, and this demo is only the start of things to come for the band. They are currently working with Caligo Arcanum Productions based in Mexico and are set to feature LLN legend, Meyhnach of Mutiilation fame on guest vocals in a future recording.
Byyrth plan to release a great many underground records, so hoist up the banners of underground black metal to the tune of Byyrth’s first track and demo highlight, Shattered Soul. The band likes lyrical themes exploring darkness and inhumanity. Cheer for them on their choice of creed, choosing to avoid the well-worn-out trend of Satanic ideology that many bands continue to shamelessly propagate to samishness. There are, after all, more sanguine and perverse acts in the world that escape notice because bands overuse the Satanic ideology out of a genuine lack of good ideas. A diverse array of interests and concepts used in lyrics marks the inception of an intelligent metal band. I would prefer the overused ideologies in smaller amounts, and Byyrth scream and screech topics outside of generic Satanism on their demo for Grey Matter Productions.
Of course, Satanism is not outside the realm of black metal ideological conceptualization, it is in fact a popular medium of expression for the wandering soul intrigued by darkness and alienation. I don’t mean to insinuate at all that Byyrth will avoid the topic in future releases. Just the fact that Satanism has evolved into a metaphorical equivalent to rebellion and individualism shows that the scene has its fair share of worthwhile content to accompany thoughtful musicianship. So, if Byyrth releases a record with its fair share of Satanic ideology, then let the band’s voice be heard in equitable proportions with bands that have over-indulged in the topic to a much greater propensity.
On this demo, Byyrth present an appetizing aphrodisiac to fans of raw, putrid black metal. The spirit of necro production is re-captured in all its resounding virulence. You won’t hear bass, technical wankery or clean vocals of any kind. The music is violent, in stark tribute to all things unholy and dark, and all songs showcase a band with a promising future releasing potentially great new recordings, so stream this demo here and acquire it in any available format. An unwillingness to do so for a free download of their demo would be akin to heresy punishable by a forced induction into a Justin Bieber concert.