How awesome is the new self-titled BLOOD TIES EP? It’s fucking Hella Sick and some straight-up killer no-filler Hardcore Punk from Vancouver, BC! Unholy hell yeah, I will be blasting this piece of sonic assault all summer long! The breakdowns you will experience while listening to this band just might make your neck snap. If BLOOD TIES existed in the 80’s I would have been a huge fan, but I’m even a bigger fan in 2021. Their brand of Hardcore Punk is intense AF and totally on point! So it’s up to you to get with the program and tune into BLOOD TIES! Once you hear “You’re Next” I know for a fact you will be a fan! Is there one weak ass song on this debut? Hell fucking no this band left everything in the studio and they wrecked shop! I want to salute BLOOD TIES and Slow Death records for releasing this gem!