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Experience the Fast and Brutal Hardcore of FALL SILENT “The Clearing”

Jeff Rogers

There’s no doubt human beings are capable of the worst brutality. And the great philosophical debates are always around, is this all we are? Is our brutal reality inevitable and unavoidable? As a kid, I became keenly aware of a sense of “fairness,” as we all do, and a recognition that the societal structures I lived in were deeply unfair for many people. Despite my elders’ best attempts at browbeating my outrage out of me, my belief that we’re capable of better hasn’t left me. In fact, it provoked me to look even more deeply into who tells us, “this is the pinnacle of our existence, it doesn’t get any better than right here and now.” What I learned is that power is deeply invested in our infighting and inequality. In order to accept their wealth hoarding and overseeing, we need to accept that taking arms up against each other is in our best interest. They need me to believe that I have more in common with the Kardashians than I do with someone who’s also a couple of months behind on their phone bill but is texting in a language I don’t speak. As long as my eyes are on my potential to become an expertly painted, precisely-plumped oligarch, the rich are safe from my rumbling, ravenous belly. What’s got my socialist mind churning? I’m listening to the fast and brutal hardcore of FALL SILENT. Their album You Knew I Was Poison comes out tomorrow, March 5th, via Revelation Records – you can pre-order it here. Today we’re excited to share their track “The Clearing” with you, a viscious ode to the glorious and bloody battles of our past, fought in our lord’s name. Funny to think that the same lords are in charge of us today…

Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

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