As we all feel isolated because of the world shutting down, it’s good to know that THE BODY has just released a new album entitled I’ve Seen All I Need To See that is out now via Thrill Jockey Records! This is not a review, but a small letter to the band.
Dear Chip and Lee,
I want you to know that you’ve created some of the most beautiful and horrific music I have ever experienced. Sometimes when I listen to you, I feel like a fly on the wall inside of the mind of a mass murderer. Or like I’m flying a magic carpet into utopia. There’s something about I’ve Seen All I Need To See that takes me back to your earlier records, like All The Waters Of The Earth Turn To Blood or Christs, Redeemers.
What I love about The Body is your passion and your “I Don’t Give A Fuck” attitude towards creating music. I want to say thank you for always pushing music forward and not following trends. You’re some of the raddest people in the underground. When you drove up from Portland to Vancouver BC to perform at my 50th birthday party I felt blessed. That was a night to remember. I feel pretty lucky that one of the last shows I got to experience before the world shut down was you with Uniform.
Your new record is so fucking empowering and full of dirge that it’s making me happy inside. Thank you.
Love Sean