I FUCKING LOVE HEARING SICK NEW BANDS THAT TOTALLY CRUSH EVERYTHING INSIDE OF ME!!!!!! So the other day, I got a message from this band Ceremented and felt like I needed an intense shower after the first listen. Then I said to myself – I need to let our CVLT Nation readers check this shit out ASAP! This dude is creating some morbid, stench-filled DEATH DOOM that needs to be heard by ALL! Ceremented’s vocals drag you by the hair into caves of destruction filled with pure hate where nothing can live. The musicianship is top notch, but it’s the lo-fi grim recording style that makes the UNBOUND HORROR tape so fucking special. If you are listening to me Ceremented, get started on a full length, and make it even heavier than these songs, which might be hard, but it’s worth a try!
Post qoute by Jay Keche