What you are about to see is graphic as fuck – be warned!!! The “drug wars” in Mexico have turned parts of that country into a killing field where human lives don’t mean shit to the criminals. The atrocities that take place daily are captured by photographers and reporters that put their lives on the line to cover the carnage, and then print the graphic images on the pages of tabloids like Alarma!. What’s going on in Mexico is a complex problem, but ultimately it comes down to the almighty dollar! Seeing a magazine like Alarma! capitalizing on the gory, brutal deaths of civilians only makes the dollar story more plausible, since it shows that not only are the cartels making money from the conflict, but there are businesses like this one springing up from it. I do not believe that there is a WAR ON DRUGS in North America – I believe there’s a war on the people of North America, especially in Mexico. It would be simple to blame the drug cartels, but what about the socio-economic issues in America that drive so many people in this country to addiction (that is a whole another feature)? Below are real faces of death, printed in the pages of Alarma! for the Mexican public to see on a weekly basis. Why is humanity so fascinated with it’s own brutality?