By now, I’m sure that many of you have heard about EYE FLYS, the noise rock band featuring members of FULL OF HELL, TRIAC, and BACKSLIDER – and for those who haven’t, now you have. This band definitely doesn’t sound like the others (except for some of TRIAC’s material), so those who come looking for grind and fastcore might be sorely disappointed in the same way I’m sure some were with Andrew Nolan and Ryan Bloomer of THE ENDLESS BLOCKADE doing INTENSIVE CARE. It’s different, but goddamn is it good. I mean, just look at those fuckers and tell me their band doesn’t shred.
Label: Thrill Jockey
90s throwback noise rock is getting pretty trendy right now, but much like the work they’ve done in their other bands, the members of EYE FLYS stay ahead of the curve by bringing a freshness to the style that makes even some of the most jaded noise rock fans (i.e. me) grin. They do everything right: their riffs are aboslutely fucking filthy, the dirges feel like being dragged face down in the dirt, the vocals are full of spite, and overall they deliver in the utmost of scummy ways; hell, they somehow manage to make B-side BLACK FLAG Henry Rollins-style whispering sound menacing and cool again.
Context is absolutely pummelling. I’ve seen a lot of people liken this to moshy hardcore and post-hardcore, but that really does not do this justice at all. Take the level of menace from THUG, throw that together with the weirdness of KEPONE, the masterful riffing of HAMMERHEAD, and then funnel it all through the sheer brutality that is CHERUBS. Of course, all of this comes together to form the ugliest of listening experiences. And don’t even get me started on their live shows, because they bulldozed Baltimore when I saw them earlier this year. Do not miss a chance to catch them when they play again, because you’ll be kicking yourself later. Trust me.
You can stream Context below. Don’t miss out.