I think New Candys has created my new favorite style of music. They’ve taken elements of post-punk, psych, shoegaze, dream pop, garage rock, and darkwave and swirled them into songs like “Twin Mime” that I want to hit replay on over and over again. Today I’m excited to share their really awesome video for “Twin Mine” with you–it also brings in themes I love, like our ridiculous ego and the utter destruction of feckless humanity by Mother Nature. I’m riding the riffs and floating on melodies and watching the earth rumble and crack and spew lava, it doesn’t get any better than this! The track is off their album Vyvyd that’s coming out June 4th via Little Cloud Records and Dischi Sotterranei, along with an exclusive vinyl edition via Fuzz Club – pre-order it here or pre-save it here. Right now let this dreamy swansong for the ego wash over you like molten rock!
“Twin Mime” was the last song we wrote for the album. It plays with the meaning of duality, the connection between action and consequence, between who we really are and how we try to come off, and how we sometimes end up fooling ourselves. The volcanoes that appear in the music video refer to the terrestrial hell, and Earth’s fury towards humans.
If we had to sum up the album in one concept it would be the contradiction of light: God/good is often represented with a bright glow, whilst Lucifer, the personification of evil, means light-bearer.