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Avant Garde

What is it about you that makes you stand Still? Watch NON SERVIAM “Ô World, Ô Work!”

It still surprises me how enthusiastically we sell our souls to the devil. In exchange for false security and false liberty handed to us by false gods, we trade our lives, promising to work until we die or they have no use for us. We promise them our energy, our ideas, and our bodies, and they give us a fraction of our worth in exchange. We lose $3.7 trillion, they gain $3.9 trillion. They tell us, “Those other systems murder! Those other leaders don’t care!” while they murder millions, steal from billions, and suck the energy from almost every life force on earth. And we watch with our hands in our empty pockets and repeat, “that’s fair, those other leaders don’t care, at least we aren’t there,” and nod along with the talking heads as if we’re expressing our own inspired thoughts and not the carefully-worded, blood money-funded press releases we’ve been spoon-fed from birth. So what’s making me ruminate on those who’d rather live a distracted lesser life than stand up for their self-worth? It’s the new video from Avant-Sludge Industrial creators Non Serviam “Ô World, Ô Work!” – what feels to me to be an anthem for those who want a system run with empathy rather than greed. “Ô World, Ô Work !” is taken from their release Work/Live improvisations Vol.1 that’s out via Trepanation Recordings on May 1st, and we’re honored to be sharing it with you today. They’ve also got a new album, Le Coeur Bat, coming out on April 23rd via Code666/Aural Music (CD/2xLP/Digital) and Trepanation Recordings (Cassette). Help take your own life back by supporting underground artists like Non Serviam, because every dollar you put into the pocket of your community is one less for the billionaire class.

Ô World, Ô Work Work, work, work… O world, O work… I don’t want to work I don’t want to sleep in this world I don’t want to serve What is fucking left for you to offer? O world… What is there for me to wait for? Joints have already given up Standing still with a gun in your mouth What is it about you that makes you stand like this Motionless, amorphous O world… O world… O work… Peu importe l’époque, il est toujours la même heure. Les racines sont pourries, coupons tout maintenant. Dorénavant l’outil servira, nous l’utiliserons pour trancher la gorge du monde. Spread insecurity, dismantle social peace Let’s plant the magical seed of the creative nothingness O world O work… Non serviam.

Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

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