I’m sitting here with a cold, and I couldn’t have found a more fitting soundtrack to the congested misery I’m in. Black noise legends T.O.M.B. have a new video for their track “Pestilence,” and it’s a celebration of the disease and disgust human beings create in their wake. This grotesque track features legendary drummer Hellhammer of Mayhem, along with Norwegian musician Andy Winter, from the band Winds, on bass. It oozes pustulation and putrefaction in sonic form, coursing with tainted blood and deathly discharge. It comes in the form of their upcoming album Thin the Veil, out on Dark Essence Records January 24, 2020 – pre-order it here (US) or here (EU). Right now, watch this video from T.O.M.B. and be prepared for a plague upon your house…
Video by James P. Gannon & 028HATE