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The Brooklyn Vampire! ALBERT FISH Crime Scene Photos

The Brooklyn Vampire was responsible for crimes so disgusting and evil I actually don’t want to write about them here. There’s a documentary below that will go into the sickening details of Albert Fish’s long cannibalistic career. Albert Fish, born in 1870, was a traveling house painter from New York City with a myriad of deviant sexual fetishes and above all a hunger for hurting and eating children. In 1928, Fish kidnapped, assaulted, and ate 10-year-old Gracie Budd of Manhatten, and it was her murder that led to his capture. He couldn’t resist sending a 1934 letter to her mother to describe Gracie’s death, and the police traced the letter back to where he was staying. After he was arrested, he claimed to have assaulted children in every state, over 400 in total, targeting young people advertising for work in the newspaper, homeless children, and Black children. Before his trial, he was medically examined and x-rayed, and doctors found 29 needles he had inserted into his body and left inside himself, and the x-rays were used to prove his depravity during the trial. He was convicted of only the Budd murder, and sentenced to death. He wasn’t on death row for long, and he was executed by electric chair on January 16, 1936. Fish reportedly said to the guards taking him to the chair, “It will be the supreme thrill. The only one I haven’t tried.” Check out the crime scene photos from Wisteria House, where Fish murdered Gracie and potentially many others, below…

Fish began experimenting with sexual self-mutilation. A favorite practice of his was to embed needles into his groin and stomach. Another fun pastime Fish had was flogging himself with a nail-studded paddle. In 1882 his relationship with a telegraph boy led him to learn he got sexual pleasure from eating human feces and the sight or thought of urination.

Fish’s sexual preferences were deviant to say the least, and soon devolved into extreme BDSM gone wrong. He became curious about what inflicting unwanted pain on others would be like. In 1910 Fish began a sadomasochistic relationship with a house painter named Thomas Kedden.

Ten days into their relationship, Fish locked Kedden into an abandoned farmhouse. He tortured Kedden and even cut off half of Kedden’s penis. Then, just like that, Fish decided he’d had enough for the day. Fish wrapped Kedden’s penis in a Vaseline-lined handkerchief, tossed him a ten-dollar bill for his trouble, and kissed him goodbye. Some say this is when Fish’s homicidal urges began to emerge.
Albert fish photo
Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

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