80s Hardcore The Best ’80s UK Punk Documentary You Will See This Week! 1984 going into 1985 was an interesting time for me and the way I saw hardcore. I was starting to get into reggae heavily,... Sean Reveron4 days ago
80s Hardcore Stay gold, La Vida Es Un Mus Records. Stay gold. There’s plenty of stuff going on in the punk-rock world right now, but La Vida Es Un Mus (LVEUM) is definitely one of the... Hugo Filipe LopesMay 14, 2018
Art Oi Oi Oi Rude Girls…Portraits of Skinhead Girls I’m a massive fan of youth culture of all kinds. I have always had a fascination with Skinhead/Two Tone/Mod culture. Way back in the... Sean ReveronJuly 1, 2016
Black Metal QRIXKUOR “THREE DEVILS DANCE” Review + Full Album Stream Unless you are a stranger to CVLT Nation, you are not a stranger to the bestial death metal war machine that is London, England’s... Sam H.S.May 5, 2016
80s Hardcore Raw Blackened Thrash Metal: Gevurah’s ‘Rites of Degeneracy’ Review + Full Stream Hailing from the United Kingdom’s Yamabushi Collective come some strapping young lads known for their work in Nembutal and sonic torturers Cease To Exist... NickJanuary 12, 2016