Doom Dive into the Doom Abyss of ALTARETH “Satan Hole” Video Premiere Change is the only constant, but humans cling to predictability. How futile is it to spend your life looking behind you at what used... MeghanOctober 7, 2021
Features step into the enthralling sonic universe of BLODET ‘Vision’ EP The biggest lie we’ve all been told from birth is that we’re insignificant. We’re unworthy. We’re ignorant. And we’re here to follow the rules... MeghanSeptember 22, 2021
Crust Hear the Post-punk Crust Rage of KNIVAD “Häktad” KNIVAD is Swedish for “stabbed in the throat” and as I listen to their single “Häktad” I can feel their vicious crust-meets-post-punk at my... MeghanAugust 25, 2021
Features Real Punk SHIT! EXIL interviewed by razorblades & aspirin + An Exclusive Premiere Exil formed during the pandemic, yes? What was the impetus for the band – I know you’ve all done prior projects together in various... Sean ReveronJuly 16, 2021
Features Travel the Winding Hardcore Road with BLESSINGS ‘Biskopskniven’ Tomorrow, BLESSINGS releases their new record Biskopskniven via Pelagic Records, and it’s a strange, epic journey through genres like hardcore, post-rock, dark folk, and... MeghanMay 20, 2021
Doom Witness the Gorgeous and Electrifying Video for THENIGHTTIMEPROJECT “Merkurius” Today I heard something that resonated with me in a profound way. Someone shared a deep wisdom with me that I felt in my... MeghanApril 22, 2021