Windhand were undoubtedly the new rising force in the doom metal genre, with the releases of their self-titled debut album and their excellent sophomore...
The voyage into oblivion continues, inexroably shrouded in a mist of torment. Funerary‘s journey into their own personal wasteland of aural misery continues, dragging everything...
As label Sentient Ruin puts it: LEUCROTA‘s debut Demo is “a smoldering twenty minutes of completely wretched, botched, cruel and self-mutilating hardcore punk with, crust,...
When FUNERARY self-released their debut album, Starless Aeon, last year, we were immediately stoked on it’s heaviness and blown away by its sheer tonnage. Starless Aeon was quietly self-released...
Sacral Regicide, the debut offering from black metal titans Eigenlicht, was released early this May and praised by CVLT Nation shortly after. According to...