Music Step into the Post-Rock Hardcore Universe of KEHLVIN ‘Holistic Dreams’ There’s infinitely more in the universe that the human mind will ever understand. At any given moment in history, our experts claim to know... MeghanSeptember 21, 2021
Black Metal Watch the Blackened Doom Noise Ritual of RORCAL & EARTHFLESH “Witch Coven” When our descendants look back on the cultural expression of the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, I wonder... MeghanMarch 23, 2021
Black Metal Experience RORCAL’s doom black drone “Muladona” One group that has always pushed themselves out of their creative comfort zone is RORCAL. On their soon to be released album Muladona that... Sean ReveronNovember 4, 2019
Black Metal CVLT Nation Premiere Streaming: Rorcal – Creon + Review Switzerland does not produce a plethora of metal acts, but the ones coming out of this country are generally very fucking good. Rorcal is such... SpyrosMarch 10, 2016
Featured CVLT Nation Interviews: RORCAL It’s been ten years since Swiss band RORCAL began, and to celebrate that fact they released a special song called “La Femme sans Tête” (the... TomAugust 11, 2015
Black Metal CVLT Nation Top 6 Splits Releases of 2014 SIX: WOES // WÖLVEFROST You are about to hear a split that will make you want to spit in the face of all authority and... Sean ReveronDecember 18, 2014