Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, directed by Aleister Crowley enthusiast and filmmaker Kenneth Anger, is an occultist’s dream fevered-up and grafted onto celluloid, with...
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Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, directed by Aleister Crowley enthusiast and filmmaker Kenneth Anger, is an occultist’s dream fevered-up and grafted onto celluloid, with...
They are Satanists. There is one of them who was a professor in the School of Medicine. In his home he has an oratorium...
Heavy metal has always loved a good altar, especially when it’s accompanied by an occult ritual or two. The occult altar and ritual have...
EVOCATION OF FLESH is by far one of my favorite sites online, but I’m not sure what that says about my mind! I dig...
Majestic, Twisted, Fragile, Powerful, Magical, Otherworldly, and Haunting are some of the words that come to my mind as I gaze at the unreal...
In part three of this series, we dig into conspiracies connected to the occult. These are my favorites. I have studied them for over...