Dis-beat Discover CVLT Nation’s Top 6 Hardcore Bands Killing It RIGHT NOW! There are so many awesome bands out right now that it is hard to keep track sometimes, so CVLT Nation is here to save... Sean ReveronJuly 26, 2018
Featured R.I.P. VIGILS The Best Post Punk You Never Heard! VIGILS are a now defunct Post Punk Project from 2007, and their two song tape Dearly Departed out now on Knife Vision is PERFECTION.... Sean ReveronJuly 6, 2018
Black Metal Throat Ripping Black Metal!!! Exclusive Premiere: FEVER NEST ‘Black Carrion Fowl’ FEVER NEST have had our hearts and minds in their death grip since they contributed their brutal take on “Holiday in Cambodia” to our Dead Kennedys... MeghanMarch 31, 2017