Industrial Dissolve Your Mind in the Post-Industrial Noise of YUKO ARAKI “†Sloshing (feat.Taichi Nagura)” In times like these, I need the catharsis of noise that dissolves my brain in a vat of sonic acid. When all the world... MeghanNovember 1, 2023
Art Murder Perversion Monsters Sodomy! Yōkai: Supernatural Japanese Monster Art via Lazerhorse Yōkai are a group of supernatural Japanese monsters, kind of similar to our notion of ghosts. The kanji (or symbol) that describes... Sean ReveronSeptember 1, 2023
Doom Lose Yourself in the Bizarre Doom Dreams of BLACKLAB “Lost” (Live In Session) It’s time to get your groove on to Doom Witch duo BLACKLAB! These two create wild rock n’ roll sorcery with rumbling riffs and... MeghanAugust 29, 2023
Bizarre Too Drunk To Move! JAPANESE SALARYMEN Salarymen are what white-collar businessmen are known as in Japan, and they work hard and party harder. That’s not just a figure of speech... Sean ReveronAugust 25, 2023
Art Bugged OUT! Taken by the Sea… DAIKICHI AMANO When I first saw Daikichi Amano‘s photography, my immediate reaction (after my stomach finished churning) was one of respect for what I saw as... MeghanAugust 17, 2023
Art Witness the Technicolor Horror of KOIUCHI MATSUDA’s Mind-Melting Art! KOIUCHI MATSUDA is a Japanese manga artist who shines a light on the culture he was born into from an interesting point of view.... Sean ReveronAugust 9, 2023