Black Death Hear these depraved new tracks from EGGS OF GOMORRH / SARINVOMIT Do you know what pure pain sounds like – the grinding of cartilage and crushing of bones, the gushing of blood and tearing of... MeghanJune 12, 2019
Bizarre STANFORD AUDIO SCIENTISTS RECREATED A 1,500 YEAR OLD BYZANTINE CONCERT WITH PERFECT ACOUSTICS The Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul, Turkey has lived a long life. Known as The Sanctuary of Wisdom, it was built in the 6th... Ali KellogMay 23, 2019
Cvlture Divine Alchemist… Moon and Serpent Jewelry It might just be me, but I find the current trend of teeny tiny little rings annoying. Maybe it’s just that they would burst... MeghanOctober 16, 2014