Events Get Ready to Fucking RAGE: MANIC RELAPSE Fest Final Lineup & All Details Announcement! MANIC RELAPSE FEST is returning to Oakland, CA this year with its 5th incarnation, which looks like it is going to be just completely fucking... CerberoApril 17, 2017
Art Manic Relapse Fest Announcement – Round II: Meanwhile, System Fucker, Qloaqa Letal, Lupus & More! MANIC RELAPSE FEST is returning to Oakland, CA this year with its 5th incarnation, which promises to be completely badass as usual. After the... CerberoMarch 25, 2017
Cvlture Manic Relapse Fest Announcement – Round I: Pisschrist, Brainoil, Horror Vacui, Kontatto & More! Heads up punx nationwide – MANIC RELAPSE FEST is returning to Oakland, CA this year with its 5th incarnation, which promises to be completely badass... CerberoJanuary 27, 2017
Featured Lost Tribe Interview // Fall Tour Dates // Exclusive Song Premiere Time flies: it’s hard to believe that Lost Tribe have already been together five years. With a new 12″ release, “Solace,” coming up soon... Oliver SheppardOctober 27, 2014
Death Rock Visions of a New World – interviewing the Spectres Vancouver, British Columbia’s Spectres released one of the finest LPs of 2010, Last Days. “[T]he dark side of 80’s anarcho punk and the coldness... Oliver SheppardMay 31, 2012