Features Slip Away into Hardcore Noise Bliss with the STOLEN KIDNEYS ‘Maailma loppuu’ LP Stream If there was music that could shred my skin from my flesh and open my body cavity up to expose my organs without causing... MeghanSeptember 29, 2021
Features Dive into the Abyss With the Psychedelic Shoegaze of HORTE ‘Maa antaa yön vaientaa’ LP I think about the human body as a miniature world, just one dimension existing in infinite dimensions. Just like our planet, we’re inhabited by... MeghanAugust 24, 2021
Death Doom FUNERAL DEATH/DOOM CRUSH-DEPTH: CONVOCATION – “Ashes Coalesce” Exclusive Full Album Premiere Today we’re honored to unveil the onset of your own oblivion, and Finnish funeral doom titans Convocation officially release their soul-crushing sophomore LP “Ashes... CerberoJuly 3, 2020
Black Metal Hear the Beast Rise on VÄKI “Kuihtuvan maan puoliso” Now this is some shit that has my head banging from the first riff! It’s the new offering from Finnish Black Metal horde VÄKI... MeghanJuly 3, 2020
Black Death Watch HAAPOJA call destruction on “Mullan Keskeltä” Need a new injection of Finnish hardcore black death? I mean, who’s gonna say no to that? Look no further than this epic Haapoja... MeghanFebruary 27, 2020
Features Hear the devastating fury of EXCUSE ‘Prophets From The Occultic Cosmos’ LP Is your brain in need of a good rattling? Then I have an LP that will give it the bruising it needs – Finland’s... MeghanJuly 31, 2019