Full Sets God Hates Cops! Worship at the Church of Fun With CANCER CHRIST Live in Los Angeles! I used to hate going to church as a kid, but if I showed up one Sunday to see CANCER CHRIST at the altar,... MeghanMarch 3, 2023
Sludge Experience the Cataclysmic Sludge of the LEECHFEAST / NIGHTFUCKER Split! So what happens when two of your favorite SLUDGE bands decide to split together? The outcome is the Leechfeast / Nightfucker record and both... Sean ReveronMarch 3, 2023
Power Violence Black Joy Black Celebration! Experience the Rad Album That is ZULU ‘A New Tomorrow’ I write this from a place of pure Black Joy. I write this from a place where Black Youth destroy all stereotypes. I write... Sean ReveronMarch 3, 2023
Bizarre Ritual Murder in Rural England: The Strange Case of Charles Walton A brutal murder is reported in a quiet West Midlands village. Local authorities are unable to come up with a suspect or motive, so... Mark LaskeyMarch 3, 2023
Doom Experience the Menacing Doom of WITCHTHROAT SERPENT ‘Trove of Oddities at the Devil’s Driveway’ As the feedback pours into my ears like hot wax, I know this new WITCHTHROAT SERPENT album Trove of Oddities at the Devil’s Driveway... MeghanMarch 2, 2023
Industrial Plug Your Mind into the Psychedelic Post-Industrial Riffs of JAAW “Rot” Every day we live under the threat of having our skin melt off and our brains liquefy in our skulls and our children and... MeghanMarch 2, 2023