Featured Uncontrolled Blackened Hardcore Savagery: LEUCROTA Release “Empty Skin” Leucrota are an amazing grim and darkness-fueled hardcore band from Santa Cruz (now relocated to Olympia, WA) – an abominable hardcore punk degeneration that we have already introduced... CerberoDecember 6, 2016
Art CVLT Nation Captures: Eternal Warfare Fest. 2016 Text and Photos: Colton Bills The fact that a DIY label can put together an event so powerful and do it so well will... Sean ReveronSeptember 20, 2016
Art CVLT Nation Captures BLACK BREATH Text and Photos: Colton Bills I knew that Black Breath was a thrash band, but I had no idea about Hopeleus, Waingro and Burning... MeghanJanuary 21, 2016
Art CVLT Nation Captures WOLVHAMMER Text & Photos: Colton Bills On December 10th, Wolvhammer brought their soul-crushing black metal to a rather small club in the heart of Vancouver... MeghanJanuary 18, 2016
Art CVLT Nation Captures: Buried at Sea in Vancouver! Text and Photos: Colton Bills / Marrow Photography I had been waiting for three months for this show. When the day finally came, with it... MeghanDecember 10, 2015
Art CVLT Nation Captures KING DUDE In Vancouver By Colton Bills I found out a very strange coincidence when I went to see King Dude. The first opening band, Vancouver hard beat... Sean ReveronNovember 26, 2015