I could not understand a word that WRETCHED & RAW POWER were screaming in my young ears, all I knew is that I loved...
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I could not understand a word that WRETCHED & RAW POWER were screaming in my young ears, all I knew is that I loved...
How did I get turned on to 80’s Japanese punk? The xeroxed pages of the early issues of MRR. I will never forget seeing...
If I had to pick one Los Angeles label that influenced me the most during the 80’s, I would have to pick SST Records....
Today I want to share with you the world’s largest punk photo archive called Karl Nagel’s PUNKFOTO. It has over 12,000 pictures dating from...
Breaking away from the safer post-punk archetypes, Cleveland’s Privacy//Policy is not devoid of the cold noise made famous by Ian and the boys. However,...
All Photos via Raya 80’s The kids will be united and the kids will rebel! This was just the case with what happen with...