It’s time to talk my positive shit about nasty, slow, fecal rifflords LIQUID SHIT! Unholy fuck yes, Dry Cough Records has released this band’s awesome tape untitled Repulsive Bodies, and I freaking love it! I really dig how they spew out their brain of demented, sludgy Death Metal that reeks of nothingness. Bands like this are the reason why I enjoy doing what I do. Cover your nose play their song “Foul Occurrence” loud and you will hear for yourself how unbelievably foul this band is. If rotting bodies had a sound, they would sound like LIQUID SHIT’s “Bound Forever To This Body.” Hot damn, this tape is so sick, I’m sure that this band will end up on our end-of-the-year list for sure. The next time you have explosive diarrhea, just know we just turn you on to the soundtrack of your fucked up bowels! I’m happy as a pig in shit turning y’all on to LIQUID SHIT’s Repulsive Bodies.