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Death Rock

Ordered Image
Review-Full Stream-Footage

About eight months ago, I was talking with a friend on Facebook who lives in a in house that regularly does shows for touring bands.  He sent me a flyer that had a few locals on it, but the headliner was a band from the UK called Perspex Flesh that I had heard of about a year prior to our conversation.  I told my friend that as much I would love to drink cheap beer and watch bands play in his living room, it wouldn’t make much sense for me to come all the way from Flagstaff, AZ to Mentone Beach, CA just for one house show.  Fast-forward a few months, and the good people at CVLT Nation asked me to review Perspex Flesh, to which I agreed.  After only hearing one song on their Ordered Image record, I immediately wished I had made the seven hour drive to see Perspex Flesh in my buddy’s living room.


The band perfectly blends together elements of hardcore, punk and rainbow sprinkles of death rock to produce a sound that will make you get rowdy while simultaneously altering your entire wardrobe to mimic that of Robert Smith’s.  If you have been in dry spell with music lately, then look no further, this band delivers for all occasions.  In fact, as I’m writing this review, I’m blasting their tunes while babysitting.  Kids fucking love this shit!!! There is no excuse to ignore this band, they are loud in all the right places, selectively melodic at times, and utilize time changes perfectly to go from a “hey this is some good stuff” pace to a “let’s fucking smash the state” state pace.


The music this band has produced will only get better with time; I promise that if you give Ordered Image a listen, it will be on repeat for days – your eyes will bleed, your hair may fall out, and you might even develop some incurable disease, but every agonizing second will be worth it because you will have found your new favorite band.  Don’t believe me? Lurk the tunes herein and get a nasty diagnosis of Perspex Flesh!

Written By

Sentient 51423

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