The mad, homicidal Romanian–American black metal horde Persekutor have a new record and to celebrate we want to share this sick video with you! It’s for their track “Black Death Punk Skins,” and it’s off their album Permanent Winter that’s out on Svart Records today – order it here. The story behind Persekutor is that Romanian musician Vlad The Inhaler transplanted to L.A. and recruited a band of equally strange and demented weirdos to create black metal that’s birthed from the depths of their blackened souls. Personally, I feel like I’d be daydreaming about being back in Romania right about now, but from the looks of this video he’s really settling in to the dry, dusty, seedy underbelly that Charles Manson thrived in. I love a black metal video that can make me head bang in fury and laugh at the same time, and that’s what “Black Death Punk Skins” is doing for me right now! Now enjoy it for yourself, and make sure to listen to Permanent Winter below.