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Search results for "EYEHATEGOD"


When you run into a “stoner” metal band called Space Bong, you feel like you already know the entire plot without even opening the...

80s Hardcore

Fresno is located in the heart of California. It is the fifth largest city in the best state in America. I spent over a...


An enormous and crushing production, huge riffs and an absolutely barbaric delivery have ensured e second triumphant coming of Grime, Italy’s masters of total...

Death Metal

Sludge and black metal artisans Death Motif have released an EP called The Water. The album title is fitting, what with pestilent waters and...


The voyage into oblivion continues, inexroably shrouded in a mist of torment. Funerary‘s journey into their own personal wasteland of aural misery continues, dragging everything...


Photos by Nathaniel Shannon Hey Steve, thanks so much for taking the time to do this. First off, you recently just returned from touring...

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