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Spoiler alert: Backwater is greatest doom release of 2017. Fuoco Fatuo (meaning “will-o’-the-wisp” in Italian) have truly come a long way, from their humble beginnings as a...


-(16)- is familiar with change; from an ever-rotating rhythm section to the trials addiction, there is little the LA sludge metal outfit has yet...


One of the most criminally overlooked releases of 2016 was surely Bädr Vogu‘s skull-crushing second album Wroth. It is essentially our moral duty to put...


Photos and Interview by Teddie Taylor It was nearly three years ago that Baton Rouge sludge/drone/punk/doom metal band Thou released their brilliant, forward-thinking fourth...

Black Metal

Here are some 2016 releases that are too unpopular (AKA cool) to have made any year end lists, but which deserve every ounce of attention...

Black Metal

SIX – PHOBONOID S/t No newbie to CVLT Nation, you may already know about the one man space-worshiping industrial blackened doom metal project PHOBONOID – a project birthed and...

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