To say that comics have had an impact on the art world would be a huge understatement. So many of the artists we’ve covered here have felt their influence and even dabbled in their creation as well. THE MEGACRAP is, in their own words, “a mute, chained, infinite and lowbrow comic where artists worldwide collaborate every week.” In other words, they welcome artists to delve into the strangest places in their brains and pull out some awesome graphic work that is then shared with the world through their instagram page @themegacrap and their tumblr. I love this kind of project because it exists to give a platform to underground artists, plus it is highly entertaining to read through! You can see their submission process here, but my favorite directive of the Mega Crap is “we’re looking for artists who enjoy bizarre, scatological and fucked up comics.” This shit is right up my alley (no pun intended). Check out some of the Mega Crap’s panels below: