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Experience the Post-Industrial Soundscapes of MISSION TO THE SUN “In the Limit”

I refuse to be locked into my past! I refused to be locked into a space where my fears control me! I refuse to be a part of a system that does not love me back! I promise to always turn y’all on to music that pushes you towards a sonic future that you didn’t know existed! So now it’s time to plug your reality into the post-industrial sounds of MISSION to the SUN. This band’s audio soundscapes are full of tension and covered in empathy and power. Right now I want to share with y’all their new single “In the Limit” from their most recent EP Needle of Deceit, which comes out May 17th via Felte Records. I want it to be known when I blast their song “Needle of Deceit,” it gives me the confidence I need to be free to be me in a space of love!

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Sentient 51423

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