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Big Facts Big Tune! Witness ALUMINUM’s New Visual “Call an Angel”

Earlier this year, I turned y’all on to Aluminum, a band from SF whose album Fully Beat is the bomb! Big facts — if I heard their song “Behind My Mouth” in 1989 my crew of Bay Area hip hop heads would have been bumping them all day long the same way we did with The Sone Roses. I’m just saying that this band has the groove in their heart and I’m a fan! It’s now time to turn y’all on to their new visual “Call an Angel.” Fully Beat will be released on May 24th via Felte Records.

lead off single “Behind the Mouth” is one of my favorite songs of the year. The track is off the chain and vocal delievery is fucking spot on! Trust me when I say you will not be able to put this band into a box, which is why I love them and I’m sure y’all will too. As we all know, the world is a fucked up place right now, but Aluminum’s Fully Beat gives me a piece of sanity!

CVLT Nation
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Sentient 51423

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