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Black Metal

Metal-Punk Up YOURS!!!
Venomwolf – Witch of the Blackest Night Review + Stream

First wave black metal with punk influences has seen some small explosion in underground circles. Venomwolf released Witch of the Blackest Night in 2015, and though we’re a year late for the release date, we at Cvlt Nation would like to salute their brand of music. Occasional melodic leads are not a surprise here, but the fist-pumping and headbanging induced by the music shouldn’t stop until this one’s done playing, so get on the freight train while you can, or it’s to the pits with you!

Uptempo with the beats, riffs comprised of uncomplicated chord transitions, burgeoning six-string bass adding weight, the vocals comprised of screeching, Venomwolf hit the ground running on Witch of the Blackest Night. Catering to old-school headbangers in denim vests and leather pants, Venomwolf rocks like its 1989 again. Retro headbangers will swear they’ve gone to heaven. Not since Vampire introduced its demo several years ago has a self-release introduced a band of this caliber to the metal minions. Vampire would scarcely make the same impression on subsequent albums, so treat Venomwolf to a purchase of their debut effort.

Five tracks fresh off a jam session in a studio, Venomwolf rain down the thrashy punk riffs on Witch… like it’s nobody’s business. Distinctly catchy and thoroughly entertaining, this album might not be expanding the template, nor do they attempt to sound like anything that no one has heard before. Venomwolf simply belts out these jams like its second nature, and all the better for us fans of retro metal goodness. Retro is chic and old-school is cool. Quote me on that.


At the same time, it’s welcome like a long-lost friend. The punk three chord sections are often interspersed here, and there’s no telling just how many chords these guys string together sometimes. Not strictly punk, and heavy metal without the shreds, with galloping tempos from beginning to end, Venomwolf easily makes this style of music their own. Remember this – few bands still do this, so get a copy and slam around your stereo incessantly. Bruises sold separately.

With song titles like “Chasing Bullets,” “Emperor of the Grave,” and “Fires in the Night,” Witch of the Blackest Night harkens back to the eighties, when metal raised hell and symbolized rebellion. You’ll likely travel through time looking for more records like these, so stay tuned to Cvlt Nation for more retro goodies – we’ve got you covered. Venomwolf isn’t likely done with this first release. Punk/black metal hybrids may have seen some recent hype due to bands like Raspberry Bulbs, Aksumite and Human Bodies, but the three aforementioned bands have deservedly garnered praise for their musical accomplishments, and Venomwolf shouldn’t be far behind. Get on this now and mosh to the tune of Witch of the Blackest Night. Ready, get set, get in the moshpit!


Written By

Provocateur/Connoiseur of all things dark and grisly. Published author and freelance editor addicted to underground metal of the highest order! Al Necro lives and writes in Manila, Philippines. Abandon hope, all ye who read Al Necro!

Sentient 51423

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