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Black Metal

Lured to Your Death: New NECROT Ep, Now Bashing Skulls In!

Oakland old school death metal/punk skull-bashers NECROT just released The Abyss on Bandcamp, a new EP and the third in their still short but blistering and eardrum-pillaging career. Once again, we are served with a mere ten minutes of unadulterated brutality and devastation, split up into three tracks of bone-fracturing heaviness that will leave you fucking beat down and bruised for days, but endlessly begging for more.

Once again, Luca (Vastum, ex-Acephalix (R.I.P.), and ex-Lawless – bass and vocals), Chad (Vasutm, ex-Bruxers – drums) and Sonny (Saviours –  guitar) have busted out three mauling and devastating slabs of fantastic crusty death metal, plenty enough to leave fans of early Death, Deviated Instinct, early Sepultura, Discharge, early Obituary, early Entombed, Autopsy, Nihilist and Bolt Thrower drooling for fucking days. There is literally not one single weak second in this EP. Every single instant of this goddman thing is just fucking packed to the roof with ultra brutal awesomeness.

This band is still young, and for now they have preferred to release tapes at steady intervals under the form of short two or three song EPs. Slowly but surely, their discography is growing, and we’re sorry for all eardrums and intact bones worldwide, but it’s looking incredibly fucking awesome so far and surely destined to become something even more huge and engulfed in brutality and awesomeness than ever. This band is to be kept under absolute and strictest surveillance, there is just too much fucking awesomeness coming from them these days!

necrot into the abyss

Written By


Sentient 51423

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