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Step Into the Psychedelic Noise Rock World of J.R.C.G. ‘Grim Iconic​.​.​.​(​Sadistic Mantra)’

I’m on a weird musical trip right now as I listen to the new record from J.R.C.G., aka Justin R. Cruz Gallego, entitled Grim Iconic​.​.​.​(​Sadistic Mantra). Why is it weird? Because it blends a cacophony of influences into one deliciously disorienting soup. If I had to describe what my ears and mind are experiencing as I travel through this record, I would say psychedelic jazz punk noise rock infused with Latin rhythms and and American daydreams. Right off the bat, I’m hit with an epic and expansive electronic wall of sound that opens a portal to a musical universe that’s at one moment crazed and chaotic and at another serene and smooth. At all times it takes me on sonic journey between audio timelines, slipping me into some kind of in between that’s home to wild imagination.

I grew up in punk and DIY subcultures, but before that I had Latin music playing in the background through my childhood and every phase of adolescence. It was surprisingly natural to incorporate. I realized I wanted to go deeper into these rhythms. I wanted to make a record that felt as experimental as much as it felt from the perspective of a Latino. When I got a glimmer of that possibility, it felt exciting.


His record Grim Iconic​.​.​.​(​Sadistic Mantra) is out now via Sub Pop — get it here and listen to it below. J.R.C.G.’s tour started yesterday, so check out the dates below and get tickets here.

Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

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