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Heaviest Fucking Doom Song…
You Will Hear Today!
IRN “Sewer” Streaming Now

I feel like living my life in a fucking dumpster filled with maggots and rotting goat brains! Fuck it — I know what’s better than that: blasting the new IRN song “Sewer” into my skull at maximum volume. For 11 minutes, these vultures of doom will weave thoughts and reality into a feedback-drenched nightmare. IRN are band that creates sonic mountains of mayhem on their own terms, and that’s what make this band so fucking stellar. Their new album will be released via Raw Birth Records on vinyl this fall and Breathe Plastic will be putting out the cassette version. Straight up, this will be the sickest and heaviest song you will hear all fucking week! IRN has given us the honor of previewing their new putrid tune “Sewer” below…Get Fucked and Get Doomed!!!


Written By

Sentient 51423

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