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Grim as Fuck Covers from SERIAL KILLER MAGAZINE

Text by Dangerous Minds

Serial Killer Magazine got its start in 2014 and to date has put out 25 issues dedicated to the dark world of serial killers. The page-turner is the holy grail for anyone into “murderabilia,” and the mag takes the business of providing in-depth information about serial murderers very seriously, often utilizing real experts in the field and in some cases, the killers themselves. As someone who has a macabre interest in these kinds of things, I’m embarrassed to admit that I had no knowledge of Serial Killer Magazine until today and was instantly captivated by its grim, illustrated covers.

As I’m sure you are aware, there is a pretty robust market for ephemera associated with serial killers. Paintings and illustrations done by one of the most well-known serial killers, John Wayne Gacy (you know, this guy) have sold for several thousands of dollars. However, it should be noted that some of Gacy’s “collectors” purchased his art to destroy it including the families of Gacy’s 33 victims. Another important point to make here is that the magazine wants to be clear that their product isn’t a means of glorifying the notorious crimes it details within its pages, but is intended to be a resource for anyone who has an interest in real crime. That said, the magazine sells for $15 an issue which you can get here. I’ve posted a few of my favorite covers from Serial Killer Magazine below that I am sure many of our more dangerously-minded readers will enjoy checking out.

Issue #11 featuring a portrait of Carl Panzram by the great Joe Coleman. Panzram wasa prolific criminal who in addition to being a serial killer was also an arsonist, rapist, and burglar.  

Issue #18 and an illustration by Erick Diaz of David Berkowitz aka “Son of Sam.” 

An illustration of Ted Bundy on the cover of issue #6 by Chuck Hodi. 

Another chilling cover illustration for issue #9 of John Wayne Gacy by Uriel B. Duran. 

Issue #10 featuring an illustration of Jeffrey Dahmer by Rowan Andrews. 

The cover of issue #14 featuring an image of Albert Fish illustrated by Nate Millner.

Issue #15 and an illustration by Nate Millner of cult leader Jim Jones.

Jack the Ripper on the cover of issue #16. Illustration by Nate Millner. 

Issue #20 and an illustration by Erick Diaz of Albert Fish. Fish was given many monikers including the “Gray Man,” the “Werewolf of Wysteria,” and even “The Boogey Man.” Fish confessed to many unspeakable crimes including child rape and cannibalism.

Issue #21, artwork by Kay Spencer. 

Issue #23 featuring a super creepy illustration by Rowan Andrews of John Wayne Gacy. 

Issue #24 and an illustration of UK killer Peter Sutcliffe, aka the “Yorkshire Ripper.” Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering thirteen women over the course of five years.  

An illustration of Richard Ramirez aka “The Night Stalker” on the cover of issue #25 of Serial Killer Magazine. 

Issue #22 featuring an illustration of Aileen Wuornos by Rowan Andrews. Wuornos was known to have murdered at least six men starting in 1989. Her story was made into the 2003 film ‘Monster’ in which actress Charlize Theron portrayed Wuornos. Theron would receive an Oscar for the role. 

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