We’re living in a time when it feels like we’re all subjected to the opinions of strangers that in another era we would never have met or spoken to. I don’t know who you are @user-189573hkf87, so why the fuck should I waste a nanosecond of my nervous system’s precious time reacting to something negative you just said? Instead I’ll just blast this new video from GORGATRON for their new single “Absorbency” and let their nauseously guttural death metal sound remind me that your opinion is worth less than the contents of my bowels. It’s off their new record Sentience Revoked that’s out via Redefining Darkness Records on June 21st — pre-order it here. I live by the motto “don’t hate, congratulate,” and if you don’t, then go on with your miserable self. GORGATRON is more than happy to rain death blows on your skull in the form of cataclysmic blastbeats and cruel riffs! They’ll be on tour starting in June, so check those dates below. Right now, watch our premiere of GORGATRON’s new video for “Absorbency”!
Absorbency is based on how most people who point out flaws in others are usually the individuals who need the most improvement. Real people with real lives and priorities do not have time to be affected by other people’s words. The accompanying video features footage from some international tours that the band did and it represents that the band will continue to punish wherever we are.
Karl Schmidt, vocals
This is a song that’s been floating around in the ‘Tron camp for some time. It’s thrashy, grindy and most importantly catchy as fuck. A short and sweet song that’s a certified headbanger with some of my favorite lyrics Karl’s spit…Once we all agreed to resurrect this song I immediately wanted to pay homage to all my favorite old school hardcore/hip hop videos with our own spin on a music video. When we had down time while touring North America, Mexico and Europe I would grab the camera or hand it off and what you see is what you get. This song is dedicated to all our friends and fans. It’s an anthem, learn the lyrics, get on stage, grab a mic and jam with us when we play this track! Keep the PMA and take care!!!
Cameron Dewald, Bass/vocals