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Experience the New Down-Tuned Anthem FOEHAMMER’s “Oblivion Of Sand”

Unholy Hell Fucking yes FOEHAMMER creates downtuned anthems that get me hyped! Their new album Monumentum comes out on Nov.18th via Silent Pendulum Records. I love the slow decaying riffs that they manifest with all of their songs. It’s the suffocating energy that FOEHAMMER’s songs are full of that makes me so impressed by them. This is why I’m stoked to share with y’all their new song “Oblivion Of Sand” below and make sure to pre-order Monumentum HERE!

“Oblivion of Sand” is the second-oldest song on Monumentum and has been a live staple for some time. Ben wrote the music to this one, and brought it to practice in a near-complete state. All I did was a small amount of interpreting of the guitar parts in my personal style, as well as adding vocals and lyrics. Lyrically the song deals in an impressionistic way with the shock and dismay that can result from placing your trust in the untrustworthy, as well as the depression that often follows.

Jay Cardinell
Written By

Sentient 51423

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