ACT OF IMPALEMENT is a young band from HASHVILLE (aka Nashville) that never stops coming with riffs that KILL ON CONTACT. I don’t understand why this band is not signed yet, because they are that damn good. I’m a huge fan of everything they have released. Today, ACT OF IMPALEMENT has given us the rights to share with you their new never heard before two-song demo. All I can say is that if you have never heard of ACT OF IMPALEMENT, after you hear these two new songs, “S.L.R (Sadistic Lycanthropic Rage)” and “Chthonic,” you will understand where I’m coming from and the reason why we named them the HEAVIEST YOUNG BAND OF 2013. It’s 2015, and they have upped the bar – this demo is just a filthy taste of what they have in store for you this year!