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CVLT Nation Captures NYE 2017: Black Wizard, Black Breath

Milton Stille

Modified Ghost New Year’s Eve Show
With Black Wizard, Black Breath, Hashteroid and Worse

As someone who has spent way too much time behind a bar, I have to admit that few things get under my skin so much as the phenomenon of fake revelry. It’s basically common knowledge at this point that there are three official amateur nights per year in the realm of establishments that are permitted to serve alcohol: St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, and New Year’s Eve. I used to spend every New Year’s Eve behind whichever bar wrongfully thought I was fit to be employed, and desperately try to find amusement in the sad procession of even sadder humans hopelessly trying to convince whoever happened to be looking in their direction that they were, indeed, having a good time.

It’s this very reason that I find such comfort in the idea of a solid fucking show on New Year’s Eve. Modified Ghost did it right again this year, and while last year’s edition featuring Yob is naturally a tough act to follow, the sensible ones amongst us caught them a week-and-a-half prior with Sumac and Neurosis. The solution: bring on some local heavy-hitters, and invite Black Breath to town for the party.

Kicking it off in true rock-the-fuck-out fashion, Worse let the crowd know what’s up. Comprised by members of Bison, and 3 Inches of Blood – not to mention Dead Quiet – these guys got the party started on a hell of a good note. As Vancouver’s best-kept secret in the territory of aggressive music, it was satisfying to see them play to a public audience. I’ve got a feeling you’ll be hearing lots about these guys in the near future.



Hashteroid played one of the tightest sets I’ve seen them play. Still recouping from the insurmountable loss of former drummer Steve, it’s inspiring to see these guys deliver in top form. They absolutely killed it, and watching them come back in full force with Grant behind the kit reminds me of why music means as much to me as it does.



Bellingham’s Black Breath destroyed not just the stage, but the entire venue. If you aren’t familiar with them by now, you’re probably reading the wrong article. Don’t take that as a dismissal, just keep listening. Props to vocalist Neil for wearing a black metal X-files shirt – a bunch of us nerds kinda thought that was the best thing ever.



Is there a better way to ring in the new year than with Vancouver’s premier party metal band, Black Wizard? It was sensible to have them play last, because no one knows how to party like these guys do. Having followed them for a few years now, it’s nice to see that they’re still going hard as ever, and still having as much fun with it, if not more. I don’t think that I need to tell you that this energy was reflected by the audience.


After the Rickshaw let out, I managed to close Jackalope’s with a bunch of close friends. I closed another bar on my way home, after being served my last alcoholic beverage at 4:53 am. I’d say this year’s off to a good start.



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Sentient 51423

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