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Death Metal

Corrupt Power Destroys!
Experience the Feral Caustic Sludge of ILSA “Preyer”

Unholy-Fuck-Yes – ILSA is about to drop a new album called Preyer on Nov. 20th via Relapse Records, and it’s a Sludge-infused sonic can of filth that I need in my life! Has this band ever released a whack record? The answer is Hell Fucking NO because this crew can’t create whack music! They take all d-tuned genres and morph them into a putrid audio tapestry that weaves everything from D-Beat to Blues to Rock n Roll into the fabric of their songs! Yeah, ILSA‘s songs are caustic storms of hate, but it’s the intense melodic tones of death plus empathy that really makes me a HUGE fan of this band! On the title track “Preyer,” they prove once again that they can’t be fucked with and that they have something to say both with their riffs of fury and their in your motherfucking face vocals. Their music is timeless and it’s the perfect soundtrack to the state of the world right now! The rumbling bass of “Widdershins” will draw you in, and then the speed kicks in only to snap your neck. ILSA’s record Preyer should be played loud while your brain is being dipped into a pot of extremely potent THC! We are beyond fucking HIGH to be sharing their title track with you below, and make sure you get with the program and order Preyer here!

“There’s a long battle ahead and little time for platitudes, old aches & pains that slow the pace. ‘Preyer’ is simple and forceful, our spell for Hell on Earth. “

Photo by: Maire O’Sullivan

Written By

Sentient 51423

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