Avant Garde Their Silent Whisper… An Interview With CHVE and AMORPHOKYRIA + AMENRA “Forlorn” Video The video for “Forlorn” is utterly captivating. How did the collaboration with Amorphokyria come about? What was it about her art that drew Amenra... Meghan15 hours ago
Avant Garde CVLT Nation’s Top 10 AVANT GARDE Releases of 2024 #10 MILITARY POSITION Prisoner From our despair, we can find our light. From our torment, we can find our bliss. From our incarceration, we... MeghanDecember 16, 2024
Avant Garde Honor Found in Decay… NEUROSIS Album Review For many, many years Neurosis have been synonymous with words like transcendent, intense and beautiful, epitomising musical evolution in every way with a solid... JonathanOctober 18, 2012
Avant Garde SABBATH ASSEMBLY New Video In The Time Of Abaddon Now Showing! Sabbath Assembly’s Ye Are Gods album is set for release on September 21st through The Ajna Offensive for North America and Svart Records for... Sean ReveronAugust 7, 2012
Avant Garde RØSENKØPF’s debut LP reviewedby Oliver Sheppard In a recent interview that Zach of the Spectres did with RØSENKØPF, the dark NYC trio named a diverse array of influences that included... Oliver SheppardJuly 19, 2012
Avant Garde PINKISH BLACK Video Bodies In Tow Now Showing! On May 15th, a very special record is coming out via Handmade Birds, and the name of the band is PINKISH BLACK. To read... Sean ReveronMay 4, 2012
Avant Garde Dark Arts Ritual… Black Twilight Circle/Mutilation RitesNow Showing One of the most important things to me is being able to express myself, or seeing other humans express themselves in a way that... Sean ReveronOctober 5, 2011