Unholy holy triple fuck, the NAILS are back and are sick as ever!!! They have just debuted their new visual for their song “You Will Never Be One Of Us” that is from their soon to released LP of the same name! This will be the NAILS first record on Nuclear Blast – it hits the streets on June 17th and it can be pre-ordered HERE! The artwork was handled by Jef Whitehead of Leviathan. This video was directed by Jimmy Hubbard – read below what singer Todd Jones had to say about it…
We believe this video not only stands out as far as quality and expression, but represents us in the best possible way that a music video could. It conveys the emotions that you might experience from us if you come to one of our shows. This video shows what we are, doing what we do in this band. No pretense, no overblown image, no bullshit, no gimmicks, no artificial/cheap attention grab. This video IS NAILS. Fucking period.
Cover Art: Jef Whitehead of Leviathan