One of America’s most important young DOOM bands doing it right now is BLACK TOMB. They came out with their debut tape last year and sold out of a couple of presses real quick. I went ape shit when I heard them for the first time, and I knew I had to help this band out any way I could. So I hit up Totem Cat Records and said, you’ve got to hear this band! Totem Cat Records said he was heading to Desertfest, but he’d check them out when he got back. He kept his word, because we can now announce that BLACK TOMB’s self-titled debut has now gotten the vinyl treatment via Totem Cat Records, and you can pick up this brand new underground classic HERE!
Imagine if you crossed Graves at Sea with Electric Wizard and Cough, and then gave the resulting demonic creature a huge bong load – that might begin to describe this band’s sound. I’m so fucking impressed with their self-titled debut that I can’t stop listening to it. I know that Black Tomb is special and are going to be mammoth in no time, because they are just that fucking good! – Cvlt Nation
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