Art Sex, Satanism, Manson, Murder, and LSD: Kenneth Anger Tells His Tale via Flashbak Kenneth Anger told where the bodies were buried in the third issue of Kinokaze Magazine circa 1993. Or so it seemed, as... Sean ReveronNovember 29, 2024
Trip Hop Experience the Celestial Soundscapes of FREECELL’s ‘Subtle Ache of Desire’ I want to say thank you so so much to FREECELL for manifesting a rad new EP called Subtle Ache of Desire. I would... Sean ReveronNovember 29, 2024
Art Torture Devices For Frat Houses And Lodges From A 1908 Catalogue The worst job I have ever seen my mother work growing up was when she became a cook for a frat house at UC... Sean ReveronNovember 29, 2024
Cvlture Why do the words BLACK POWER Strike Fear in the hearts of White Authorities? Why do we live in a world where just being born Black is a crime against white society? Why do so many white metalheads... Sean ReveronNovember 28, 2024
Documentaries GRIM AF! Watch this ANT HILL KIDS Doc from Stephanie Soo Today I want y’all to peep at one of my daughter’s favorite twisted documentaries about the Ant Hill Kids Cult. The breakdown is given... Sean ReveronNovember 28, 2024
Cvlture “Inside Incel: Alek Minassian and Online Misogyny” Documentary Now Showing Last night I watched a very disturbing documentary called Inside incel: Alek Minassian and online misogyny by The Fifth Estate. This film had my... Sean ReveronNovember 28, 2024