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A Modern-Day Hardcore Weapon of Change! THE HOPE CONSPIRACY’s ‘Tools of Oppression​/​Rule by Deception’

The art that we create is many times a reflection of our life experiences. The art that we allow into our lives many times speaks to our present or past life experiences. The new album from The Hope Conspiracy entitled Tools of Oppression​/​Rule by Deception is out now on Deathwish Records hits differently because of my lived life experiences! The title says so much about the lyrical content of this record and is why everything about this record screams WAKE THE FUCK UP! What attracted me to Hardcore in the 80s was that many bands pulled back the curtain on all of the lies that society was trying to shove into our brains. The Hope Conspiracy is here to tell us that nothing has changed, and that in reality, shit is only getting worse. We are witnessing the downfall of Western civilization, and we have been for decades. So many of the dumb, deaf, and blind just want to blast pop all day and consume corporate media. I on the other hand I want to Blast incendiary songs such as “The West Is Dead” and “The Specter Looms,” songs I know are created from a place of righteous RAGE! This band is well aware that Hardcore can be used as an Audio Weapon of Mass Change! This fact can be found in lyrics such as those below:

Profit is everything amidst a crumbling vial decay  They don’t care just useful plebs in their power game a war machine with life in its way death in its veins THE ORDER NO VIRTUE  NO MERCY  THOSE WHO GAVE US YESTERDAY  CREATED THE HORROR OF TODAY Crushed by a storm of lies while they rape the earth and suck it dry This world we live no going back kill or be killed a war machine with life in its way death in its veins THE ORDER NO VIRTUE  NO MERCY  NO VIRTUE  NO MERCY SHOWN   

 The Hope Conspiracy “Those Who Gave Us Yesterday”

I’m not surprised that a country like America is crumbling as I write because it was founded on Genocide and Slavery, for which it has never apologized! As melanated humans walking on this planet. Albums like Tools of Oppression​/​Rule by Deception let me know that I also belong in this community and that the hatred of this world will not win. Musically, The Hope Conspiracy have fucking killed it on so many levels. I can tell that each member has put their lived experience into every moment of this modern classic. They have manifested a collection of songs that show the world that they are truly in their creative skin. Imagine if Discharge, Public Enemy, The Scream, and the Death Cult decided to create a project together, the outcome just might sound like Tools of Oppression​/​Rule by Deception. I want the whole band to know that they have created one of the sickest Hardcore records of 2024. Real talk, you can feel the empathy in all of their riffs and their sense of disgust in every word spoken!

They prod and push and push and pull Feel the grip getting tight? Homegrown provocation A solution, an end to it all Divide and conquer From all sides Cull and plunder Chaos from all sides Look at tomorrow, what do you see I see nothing, I see death Shock by shock Are you waking up? I see nothing, I see death An iron hand is pulling I see nothing, I see death A concrete fist is gripping I see nothing, I see death An ugly nature is rising I see nothing, I see death A vicious cycle is turning I see nothing, I see death A violent burst is coming I see nothing

The Hope Conspiracy “Shock by Shock”
Written By

Sentient 51423

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