There was a time when all I listened to was doom. It was the low-end hum and unrelenting fuzz or nothing for me. But then I slowly started to move away from it; it began to sound too similar, one band blending into the next, that seductive evil that first drew me in became saccharine. Not so with The Sun And The Mirror, a project from cellist Sarah Townley and multi-instrumentalist Reggie Townley on vocals, guitar, bass, electronics, and drums. This duo is making doom that pulls from unexpected genres to create a gorgeous doom mutant formed from dark folk, experimental, drone, noise, and psych. Their songs draw me into the eerie but comforting, shadowy place that I used to go to. I feel like this music is calling me into a trance so that I can enter another world and walk in it like a blissed-out zombie. Today we’re excited to premiere “Katherinella Angustri,” the first single from their debut album Dissolution to Salt and Bone that comes out via Brucia Records on April 2nd – pre-order it here. Enjoy the strange and beautiful place The Sun And The Mirror take you to…
“Dissolution to Salt and Bone was written during a time of immense personal tragedy, and is a meditation on loss, grief, and impermanence. The first volume of the Intervals series, the album is an exploration of the shadow sides of existence, and the unavoidable reality that everything changes and dissolves, that all forms develop into ever-evolving arrangements under the pressure and heat of time, growth, trauma, and decay. Throughout this contemplation of loss, sorrow, and interpersonal fragmentation is woven the thread of nature’s constancy, and a deep knowing that nothing in the universe truly comes to an end”.